ÌÒ»¨ÊÓƵ Inc.credit

Fast & easy company account set-up so you can focus on the work to complete your project

Our Credit department is devoted to getting your company account set-up faster and easier, so that the focus for all parties involved can be your completing project. Our credit department may be reached directly via phone at 206.725.2500, by fax at 206.722.4639, and by email at credit@steeler.com

You may type and print or print and write the information needed by our credit department (due to the sensitivity of the information being provided, saving typed forms is not allowed). Select from the following credit forms to start the process of setting up a line of credit with ÌÒ»¨ÊÓƵ. :

U.S. (Excluding AZ)







Steel 101

Jul, 25 2016 — When Iron Ore mom loves Carbon dad very much and a little heat is applied, Steel is born. ... Read More »

Steel, An Upgrade

Jul, 18 2016 — Cold-formed steel may be your go-to framing system but you can upgrade to ÌÒ»¨ÊÓƵ Inc.'s EQ Steel option, the Elite Framing System, the big brother to standard steel products. ... Read More »